The Diseases and Infections of Diseases

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The moment a baby is born, it is attacked by several microorganisms present around it. However, not every organism that attacks is successful. The war is not always won by the body, though. There are many diseases and infections of diseases that successfully infect us, irrespective of our age groups, and not only this but many times it happens that the same infection repeats its occurrence. Take the common cold for example!


It is one of the most prevalent infectious illnesses and is brought on by the rhinovirus.

Infectious disease How to Infect Us?

The phrase “illness” literally indicates that the body is “NOT AT EASE,” while the term “infection us” stands for “liability of transmission”. Therefore, a disease is an ailment brought on by a variety of causes that prevents the body from operating normally. We also need to be aware of another concept that is comparable to this.

It is known as a “Disorder.”

And what does that mean? Well, the term literally means the body is unable to work properly, or simply, is “out of order”.

Infection Diseases

Different types of Conditions in Disease?

Well, technically yes! Diseases are mainly caused by pathogens. That is exogenous agents that infiltrate the body and cause issues, such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. On the other hand, disorders are caused by some or the other defects in the

functioning of certain cells or tissues. Take diabetes for example. It may happen as a result of faulty insulin synthesis or inappropriate insulin uptake by the cells. Now, while disorders are not infectious or transmissible, illnesses typically are.

There are many sources that use the term “non-infectious diseases” synonymously with “disorders”, but what are these “non-infectious diseases” by the way? Non-infectious diseases, as the name suggests, are those diseases that do not spread with measly contact. So logically they can be used interchangeably. However, we won’t get into the specifics of this division of diseases at this time.

Rather, we will have a look at examples of each type. To study infectious diseases in detail, we will have a look at some known diseases like Malaria, Typhoid, and a few others.

On the other hand, for studying disorders, or the non-infectious ones, we will look at an important example like Cancer. Let us look at each one in detail in the upcoming articles!

You may know now what is malaria disease and its sign and symptoms.

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